

Wednesday 26 August 2015

Five problems all Foodies Face

Choosing where to eat out:

You'll probably have an easier time naming your firstborn or choosing your first house.
It normally begins with mentally consulting the list etched into your brain of places you once spotted/read about and promised yourself you'd try. 
Ends in an anxiety-fuelled decision half an hour before the damn place closes.
Currently, I'm experiencing this after moving to Bristol. Tearing my hair out over which Korean restaurant I want to try first? First world problems...

The only problem worse than number 1, for me, is the cardinal sin of having to eat somewhere you've never heard about.

Picture this, yourself and a few friends meet up after work. A few wines in and you're peckish. Of course, as a self-respecting foodie you've probably planned exactly what you're cooking, but you're a total food-slut and easily swayed.
"Let's try that burger place a few doors down," Hannah recklessly suggests.
Unbelievably, everyone nods in assent, though no one has even been. "Why not?" they say. HA!
You know why not. Each time you eat out is a sacred experience, God forbid you try somewhere really disappointing and spend the evening internally bitching about the tragic excuse of a brioche bun you're eating.
Alas, the ultimate foodie problem is finding the courage to visit a mystery restaurant. Okay, it could be good.. What if it's crap? I mean, surely I've heard of all the good local places already, right?! Is it new? Should I quickly consult the holy bible (TripAdvisor)?
Drink your wine and chill out, Luce.

Menu meltdown.

Attempting to resist the temptation of reading a menu online before eating out. You're usually the friend who has the menu semi-memorised. In fairness, it's probably a necessity, because god help the poor waitress waiting on your order decision otherwise...

Being a sucker for food fads.

You're the first person to get entranced by the newest popular fad foods that promise to revolutionize the market. Shedding a silent tear as you shell out £6.95 for a tiny bag of Chia Seeds to make your porridge look more instagramable. Note to self, stop calling Avocado 'avo'...

Coping with Airplane/Service Station Food. 

The place where, removed from the exotic delights of a Malaysian Laksa or a Sweet Potato Pakora, your snobbish food habits are fully exposed, as you reluctantly prod a stale Cheese & Pickle as if you might bring it back to life. "excuse me....any chance of a quinoa salad?"

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