

Monday 17 August 2015

Getting experimental: Cauliflower Rice

Didn't anticipate this blog featuring much of my own cooking because, well, I'm not very good.
Dinner usually involves throwing various ingredients at a frying-pan and hoping I don't get sick. Okay, that's an exaggeration. But still, nothing much to blog about, right?

But I got thinking. I'm sure there are many people out there like me. People who are overwhelmed by a Nigella Lawson or Jamie Oliver recipe. Perhaps I could be helping some poor starving fool with my easy-as-shit creations. If I can make them taste good I'm sure anyone can.

Tonight's dinner was a foray into the mysterious and dubious world of vegetable improv.
Courgetti? Caulirice? Mushroom 'burger-buns'?
"R U MAD?"
It seems lately the fashionable foodie trend is to make low-carb veggie versions or everything. At first I was majorly side-eyesing the whole phenomenon.

But as I starting taken my Gluten Free diet more seriously to help my stomach troubles, I softened to the idea. 
After tonight's rather delightful dinner, I'm ever softer (oo-err).

I don't know what to call this dish... perhaps Asian-style Veggie Caulirice. Yes, that.

How do you make the darn stuff?
Cauli rice is SO simple I can't believe I didn't try it before.
You chop about a third of a cauliflower head into florets and grate it all up. 
Fry it for a few minutes. aaaaand that's literally it.

My Recipe

First off I boiled a handful of frozen broad beans (though I think edamame would be better with the Asian flavours in this dish) and an egg.
I mean, ye I probably shouldn't have boiled them in the same pan, but I told you I ain't a chef.

As they boiled, I fried the caulirice with onion, garlic, and quite a bit of ginger. I use the stuff in a jar (duh) but you can grate fresh if you fancy.

Here comes the very difficult bit: put the rice onto a plate, top with the beans, the boiled egg, and half an avocado. Psyche, still simples.
Top with hoisin or soy sauce. Some chilli would be nice too I'm sure.

Took me about 10 minutes, was cheap as chips and filled me up far more than I expected.

I think the trick with caulirice is to make sure you add filling ingredients to it, so that the low-carb content doesn't leave you hungry. The high-protein of egg and avocado for example, kept me satiated.

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